Some words

I haven’t written
In like…
That long.

You know how long.
Since then.

But i might

This dam of words
With the harbinger
of its destruction.

The drip and drip,
easily confused with a trickle of runoff

But not.

No words can express this time.
This year.
all of this.

So i haven’t.


Not after that, and that, and … that.

I’m too tired, to do this.
This work.
On top of all the rest.

But i can’t not.
Not forever
not not.

Too much trouble
tied in twine
and too much time

But i have to.
I must.
I can’t… not

The stress is like a rubber kickball
carried under my shirt
like a fake pregnancy
At recess.

But it’s hard to put down.

It feels shameful to put it down
To disrespect its gravity

To pretend that anything is okay
To do anything else but try to stop this
To heal
And to mourn

But we have to
I have to.