This Thing I do for fun

Today I am at a local four day gaming convention.  I rode the rails of a two hour D&D encounters game, a hack and slash preset adventure which many people enjoy but I found disappointing. It was a short session (only two hours) so I had time to kill.  Next up was a trip to the board game room, where I learned No Siesta, the La Granja dice game, which reminded me of Roll Through the Ages.  I taught Mike and Daniel and the game went quickly.

Next was a much more interesting RPG run by a GM I had played with before.  Last time he ran a Scooby Doo vs. zombies game, so I had high hopes.  This was in the Feng Shui 2 system, and the theme was early 90s action movies.  I gravitated instantly to the Scrappy Kid sidekick, a nine year old girl I called Candy, because she likes candy.  When I snuck in the front door of a nightclub and encountered the boss in his office with a pile of money and drugs, it was clear what to do. Dodge.  He missed with his double Uzis, so I kicked the bag of cocaine into his face. He retreated, so I set fire to a pile of money and drugs, and roasted a marshmallow over it.  When he came back in full ninja gear I pulled the mask over his face and hit him in the crotch with a pink throwing star.  Then I stole his car and drove it into a C5 before parachuting it in front of the bus in which the president was being held hostage.  We took out the motorcycle ninjas and saved the world, like you do.

(I had intended to write more, but I have been busy. This article has been sitting around for weeks now.)