
Backwards again, only this time on a train by the name of MARTA. Quick trip across the city, direction not withstanding.

It’s slightly weird watching people board after and behind you when you’re already on the plane. I normally don’t go for the upgraded seats, since I have tiny legs, but I wanted a window seat and the money man said he’d approve it. I feel pretty justified after yesterday. Also I already read the exit row card, and I think I have the emergency procedures covered if necessary, so I feel good about that. It’s not first class but I’m not complaining. I doubt I’ll ever fly first class. I saw the first class seats on my flight to India and they were nice, but the price difference was insane. I someone told me they would pay me nine thousand dollars to sit in an uncomfortable seat for 18 hours I’d do that every day. In this case it’s thirty bucks, and it’s not my money, so I’m in.

Landed already. Time passes differently in varied cases, and in this case I had a case of writeus interruptus, on account of a very pleasant conversation with a flight attendant from another airline, heading to Boston to meet friends and enjoy a bachelorette redux. For me this means my night was enriched, and for you this means less writing from me. Such is the nature of things which are bound by human energy. The flight went quickly and smoothly and I learned quite a bit about the airline industry and her experience therein. Also, beaver butt goo.

Her regrets included staying in uniform, since it prevented her from having a glass of wine. I told her she was in charge if I had to operate the exit door, and fortunately neither of us were called on to affect an evacuation. I had no regrets.

Today was overall good, in as much as a day can be, marching on as they do indifferent to the various organisms along for the ride. I finished another major milestone in an ongoing project and had a tasty burger, worthy of the affection of Jules Winnfield, whose name I just had to look up. With internet access my writing is different. I’m not sure I like that.

Anyhoo, it’s driving time, and then sleep time and then work time, so it’s bye time.
